Five members of the Fiscal Citizenship Project, Lotta Björklund Larsen, Eva Matthaei, Angelika Mohr, Ralf Schenke, and Charlotte Schmidt, recently participated in the “Workshop on the Interlinking between Taxation, Citizenship, and Democracy” [1]. The workshop was organized by Yvette Lind [2] and Reuven Avi-Yonah and took place on the 8th of May 2023 at the […]
We are delighted to announce and welcome you to our new website! A three-year, £1.3m interdisciplinary research project that is based at the University of Exeter, UK; Würzburg University, Germany and the University of Calgary, Canada. The project is funded jointly by the SSHRC, Canada, DFG, Germany and the ESRC, UK under the Open Research […]